Key updates

The National Retail Association will provide key updates and news throughout coming months.

Check back regularly for updates

Food containers at mine sites – extension

Class Exemption Notice SUP0004/2024/1 On 16 July 2024, the WA Government published a class exemption allowing extra time for the saleand supply of plastic takeaway food containers and lids to mine sites with onsite kitchens. This exemption is limited to mine sites where food is made and packaged onsite to be collected by staff. This…
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Hot soupy/liquid food containers – extension

Class Exemption Notice SUP0003/2024/1 On 16 July 2024, the WA Government published a class exemption allowing extra time for food containers and their lids only for takeaway food uses when the container is holding soupy or liquidy foods that are served over 60 degrees Celsius or intended to be heated over 60C. These specific containers…
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Extra time for some expanded plastic packaging

Class Exemption Notice SUP0002/2024/1 On Tuesday, 28 May 2024, the WA Government published a class exemption allowing extra time for electronic products weighing between 25 kg and 45 kg, net weight, that require moulded expanded plastic packaging. This exemption is designed to support the industry in transitioning away from such packaging for heavier electronic products.…
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Proposed design standard for produce and barrier bags

Have your say on proposed design standard for produce and barrier bags...
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Exemption applications (2024)

UPDATE: Process for exemption applications and compliance action during review
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Produce bag rule changes

WA Government has decided to amend the regulations relating to produce bags supplied for loose fresh fruit and vegetables...
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Further factsheets published

The WA Government has published 4 additional factsheets explaining aspects of the Stage 2 ban in more detail...
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Comprehensive Guide available

The WA Government and National Retail Association have collaboratively created a Comprehensive Guide which covers ALL existing and upcoming plastic bans in Western Australia.
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Exemptions for composting certification extended

Extra time has been provided for items to achieve their Australian composting certification based on certain conditions.
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Stage 2 Ban regulations passed

The WA Government has passed regulations to phase-out more single-use plastic items over the next 3 years...
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Stage 2 Ban consultation open

Stage 2 regulations are planned to commence 1 February 2023, with bans on supply staggered from August 2023 to August 2024...
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Exemption approved for specific items undergoing composting certification

Today, the NRA has been informed that a time-limited exemption for specific items undergoing composting certification has been approved
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Exemption applications

UPDATE: Process for exemption applications and compliance action during review
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More free online sessions added

More dates added for free online sessions as the first ban date approaches.
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Minor amendments published

The regulations were slightly amended on 3 June to define plastic in more detail, accelerate exemption application powers, and correct errors.
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exemption applications

Exemption application guidelines now available

Businesses can apply for an exemption based on significant evidence of the issues outlined in DWER's exemption consideration guide.
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Plastic Free Places WA expanded

The Plastic Free Places program provides an opportunity for businesses to go “the extra step” beyond the ban to improve their environmental footprint.
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Ask questions at free online sessions

Join us in our free online sessions on the last Wednesday of every month to receive and overview of the ban or ask questions.
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Items without AU composting certification

Still waiting for your AU certification? Apply for an exemption if you've started your AU certification process AND have already achieved EU certification.
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